
On the road just before 07.00, first house viewed just north of Worcester 09.15; removed from the list 09.30. By the end of the day we had seen three more, two definite no and one we do like but we have to get our heads around an unusual layout.

We also made a stop to see a Jane's sister. Over to see a house we can rent from September and then we realised we had run out of time so we headed back.

Home at 17.55 and at 18.00 our first e-bay sale was picked up.

Later we went to The Black Bottle. They describe it as "Imagine a bubble gum machine which dispenses wine instead...". The wine is in cabinets with dispensers; an interesting idea but I am not sure it is worth the faff.

In between I managed a few shots of plants, hence blue.

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