There?s a bloke up that tree.

Oh dear oh dear oh dear. The Painter hath commeth and as discussed secretly (I was not supposed to be listening) between The B's, plan T was launched and I spent ALL DAY (almost) tied to a leg on The Bossess desk. WITH the office door shut and all those really interesting noises going on outside. If a dog could scream...I would. There was scraping and crunching noises from our place and chainsaw noises from outside our place and clunk clunk clunk noises from The Boss's camera, followed by a loud crunch noise as the top of a tree in the park opposite hit the ground and later a REALLY loud THUMP!!! ( I barked) as what was left of the tree hit the park too. The Bossess was no help as she spent all morning on a Teleconference with her headset on and an intravenous latte drip from a 44 gallon drum of the stuff in the kitchen which The Boss had to keep filling. Luckily THE PAINTER drank tea. Earl grey with an organic chocolate bikkie ...Thank you! The Boss had....Yap you kno that, and I had boredom. I have to bark that I am pretty good at boredom and The Boss often proudly tells of my ability to spend long periods in the back of Suzz on my sheepskin rug without eating the seatbelts. NOT like some dogs (Golden Retreivers tooo) that I kno.

However thanks to relentless Blipping pressure I did get out with The Boss an a Bliperdition later but it was seriously DFO (Dull Flat and Orrible) light by then so The Boss went with the Tree bloke.

It was a delight to read all your wonderful comments on The Woods yesterday. I loved them and The Boss was really cheered up too. He has been organising a big Tech deal involving The Bossess's email which he is going to exchange for something (maybe cheese) and he will be leaving town on the first shuttle out if something doesn't (or does) (I am really confused about this) happen...get exchanged I think. Not sure what it will be exchanged for but after reading jensphotos comments yesterday I think I would like a BIG TED please. Hey Jen...please send photo (of the TED not the other thing...ugg!)

These guys (not sure if girls do this too) are very skilled and it was intriguing watching the strip and drop process on this tree in the park opposite our place.

Hey...Stay out until it is down ta.

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