
Not too much to report except it is DIG coffee day and another café is being tried. Not sure about the dog factor so I will have to leave that calculation out for now. The Boss has however come back with a satisfactory Chocolate cake and yogurt report and the consensus seems to be acceptance at this time. Thank goodness for that.

The PAINTER has done the ceiling and is moving on to the walls and I am still spending an unhealthy amount of time tied to The Bossess's desk. A blip outing did however produce this.

These bits of wood have been left behind. Right? They were left. Er... yes. The big bit is way too big for a stick and the other two are not right either, maybe that's why they were left? I wonder if I have been effected by paint smell distraction. I seem to be having difficulty with my pause...ER Paws.

Oh never mind . The Painter is reputed to be finished tomoro and The Bossess's splint is gone on Monday and the Mail was still being exchanged as I bark.

So a little lie down will really hit the spot. Left, right or centre.

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