
A semi-successful walk today. We managed a part of a walk which is probably quite spectacular around Silwick and Westerwick - that is, if you could see the stacks and geos, which we couldn't really. We cut the walk off early and walked back to the car on the road, which added a few kilometres to make up for being a bit lazy yesterday, but removed any further offroad stuff. Both of us were finding it pretty disorienting, not to say quite unpleasant, walking along the cliff in impenetrable mist. We also had wet feet....

A lazy afternoon and evening with kindles and tablets, and some beer, is in prospect. Not quite a match for last night, which was spent in the excellent company of a blipper and her husband.

I managed to get up to date this morning with my photo editing, so that's the general Shetland album and the special one of the gap in the hills fully up to date if you want to have a look.

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