This Too Will Vanish...

By etherghost

Today I woke up early around 7:45 and got up to watch a borrowed DVD I needed to return. It was a beautiful film about the life and dances of Anna Halprin. "Breath Made Visible." I highly recommend it to all my creative friends. After the film I did a short 7 minute interpretive dance alone in the living room and it felt so good to move that way. To express myself through movement.

It also made me grateful for all the art I had access to as a child. Music lessons, dance lessons, art lessons, choir, threatre class. Good writing classes and English teachers. I am lucky. It made me want to take a dance class again.

Then I went to the flea market to return the DVD to my yoga teacher there and chat with her and I gave her a piece of art for her part in my adventure. Since we probably wont see each other again before I leave. At the flea market, I found this lovely ring. It opens and there is a watch inside.

I will miss the flea market, just one more to go to next month. I will miss everything.

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