My Best Efforts - Year 3


Just For Fun.......... I haven't done a kaleidoscope for a while, when
I saw this nettle, which had gone to seed, I felt like playing around with it!

Found an old rhyme - goes as follows:-
Tender-handed, stroke a nettle,
And it stings you for your pains.
Grasp it like a man of mettle,
And it soft as silk remains.

Also three superstitions:-
1. Nettles in a pocket will keep a person safe from lightning and bestow courage.
2. Nettles kept in a room will protect anyone inside.
3. Nettles are reputed to enhance fertility in men, and fever could be dispelled by plucking a nettle up by its roots while reciting the names of the sick man and his family.

Now I am positive the above information is absolutely essential to you and will completely alter your lives - ha ha ha!

Weather consists of heavy clouds and a lot of sun too - rained again last night - temperature is 70 Deg. F. at 11.30 am

Enjoy your Sunday.

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