Who's a Pretty Boy!

Day two of preparing for our move, but thankfully we had a big storm last night which has cleared the air and it's much better today!

This morning I nipped round to my friend's to see Cosmo - you may remember him from my blip last year. He belonged to Andrea, but she moved back to the US earlier this month and my friend Norma who has a parrot called Jacko adopted Cosmo. I wanted to go and see him before we move, and he's settled in really well, and was as chatty as usual - he even seems to have got a few more feather's since I last saw him. He'll never get them all back, but Norma has a special vitamin spray to use daily which also helps his skin.

Anyway I'm home now, so I'd better go and help Alan, although we'll be watching the F1 this afternoon. We didn't stop until 8.30pm last night and broke the back of it, so we can afford to have a bit of a break today.

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