
By Chole


You know, there is this old guy who lives on the riv. I walk by his place every day. I have a ton of pics of his stuff. Once, a few years ago, my wife and I were walking by his place, and at the time I had got it into my head to grow a tea plant, and he had a whole bunch of it growing beyond the barbed wire, and we happened along and at my wife's intervention offered me a few tea plant starts. Nice. Well they died by and by. Life. No worries. But I've noticed these last few years that this old guy has been planting a variety of really exotic plants (besides the usual garden food varietals). This pic shows one of them. There are several others.

I wonder if he realizes that his planting choices have become pic/chat fodder on the internet.

How weird modern life has become. Innocence has taken on a very different flavor.

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