The Nursery Wall...

Wee Wee (that's as in small, small for the un-ecosse) TFPBrother and wife have an impending offspring due in the next week or so. I finally get to be a **bad influence uncle and I am rather excited about it.

They do seem to be awfully organised for their first venture into parenthood and this is the rather stylish nursery. No, the baby isn't getting nursed on electronic goods, it's just that this room is serving as TFPBrother's office until such time as the baby will use it but the case in point here is the bitchin' wallpaper.

I believe the design on the wallpaper is actually already in the public domain because it is, I believe, from the Glasgow Science Festival literature which one of TFPBrother's friends designed. They had the idea of getting it printed onto wallpaper which now forms the end wall of the nursery and it looks rather spiffing.

If take a wee view through the LARGIFICATION filter, you may even be able to play the same game that we did or trying to identify the different Glasgow landmarks beautifully illustrated on the wall.

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