Red and angry

Not the sky - that was red and pretty. The sky has been a constant source of visual pleasure today. Some sort of jet stream high up meant that the clouds were really unusual for a good proportion of the day.

Red and angry refers to the mozzie bites I have acquired in the past 24 hours. 8 so far and will get worse, it always does!

We went to the golf course. My swing was not in at all, but it is only because my lower back is a bit sore - self inflicted (a different set of exercises at the gym 3 days ago) but it will pass.

Have swum two lots of 50 lengths of the pool so thats a mile in total today, along with 1.5 mile walk this evening so have been good, along with healthy eating again. Have lost 1lb in 5 days. Happy days.

Makes up for the fact that I was pretty close to being trashed on Pimms last night - so much so that i couldn't lie down to go to sleep as the room span around far too much!!!

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