With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

Why? Because!

I like it.

A happy but tough day ferreting around in my basement and backyard.

A happy evening, on return of smallest brown boy, took us to the plaza and Little A's new best friend, mutually agreed within minutes it seems. Far too many coincidences with his parents make it inevitable. Tomorrow is booked full one way or another, especially as M is back in town. A good job I got the other job done and have a chance to breathe.

On another more serious note, the fire is still raging futher to the South West and acres of forest are being eaten up. That makes three days. As I drove to the airport this lunchtime, I saw seven fire fighting aircraft scooping up water in a line. They must have brought reinforcements from the mainland. Let's hope things get sorted soon. There are some very brave people fighting out there.

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