Banned from the river!

My very gorgeous golden retriever boyfriend, Ozzy, is staying with me at the moment and yesterday we did 'early blip' because Ann was so proud of the way we behaved on our morning walk.

The trouble with 'early blip'; is sometimes more interesting things happen during the day! If Ann had known what a couple of naughty dogs we were going to be on our afternoon walk we certainly would not have done 'early blip'. Sometimes Ann likes to vent her anger on BLIP!

Ann is still very cross with both of us. She has banned us from going to the river and she says we've both been so naughty that she is going to tell everyone in 'Blipland' what we did yesterday.

This is what happened yesterday afternoon:

Ann took us to the river because she knows how much we both like swimming.
Rain was forecast but it was lovely & sunny when we got out of the car, so Ann said, 'I'll just leave my anorak in the car, we'll walk for 45 mins along the river and then we'll turn around and come back the same way so that you can both do lots of swimming'. Sometimes we come back across the fields but because Ann is such a nice dog owner she knew we'd prefer to have extra swimming time.

We both love it down at the river. We had a lovely walk/swim along the river then just as we turned around to walk back, it started to rain. Well, obviously we didn't care because we were already wet.

Ann sheltered under a tree for a bit and then decided it wasn't going to stop, so she'd just run back to the car.

................At which point Ozzy decided to jump back into the river and go duck chasing!

Ann went mad at him. But Ozzy didn't care. Ozzy's vocabulary is virtually non-existent so he didn't have a clue what she was yelling at him. He refused to come out of the river and spent 20mins swimming after a duck. He only came out when we met a lady with a whistle that he responded to!! At this point I was being the most perfect pooch ever and was just sticking right by Ann's side!

Anyway, as soon as he came out of the river Ann put him on his lead. At which point I thought - swimming after a duck looks like fun. So I jumped into the river and took over where Ozzy left off.

The lady with the whistle said, 'Oh no, the collie's in the river now'. To which Ann replied, 'Oh don't worry, when Molly sees I'm going off without her she'll follow me'. ...........Except I didn't! Well I knew that Ann had waited for Ozzy and I know that she loves me more than Ozzy so I knew that she wouldn't go anywhere without me.

By this time Ann was very, very, very, very, wet. And she was very, very, very, very, angry. But I didn't care. I never realised what fun swimming after a duck was. Ducks can swim very fast and I spent half an hour swimming up and down the river after a little duck.

At one point Ann met her plumber & girlfriend, who were out for a walk with their staffy & little sausage dog, and they threw a ball into the water to distract me................... Why on earth would I want to go after a ball when I had a real live duck to go swimming after?

Anyway after about half an hour I was intelligent enough to realise that I was never going to catch up with the duck so I jumped out of the river and went zooming back to Ann.

Normally when I come back to Ann she gives me cuddles and tells me I'm a good girl. Yesterday she just put me on my lead and then ranted at us both to walk properly back to the car.

Her shoes were squelchy because they were completely saturated with water and she was slipping around all over the place, her cotton skirt & tshirt were completely drenched so the water was actually dripping out of them and her glasses were so steamed up that she couldn't see where she was going!!

She was not happy! We were - because we'd had almost 3 hours of walk time!

Anyway the moral of the story is: We have both been banned from the river. So I guess we'd better both learn to come back the minute we're called?!! Ann says she's never, ever, going to take us to the river again!!!!

However, Ann still loves us though - today we went for a lovely walk through the fields, down onto the coastal path, and then we both had a swim in the 'secret rock pool' and then Ann attempted to blip us both.

She has taught Ozzy the word 'BLIP' so he sat nicely. Unfortunately sometimes I get a bit jealous and I was so cross that Ann was giving Ozzy loads of praise for doing what he was told, that I decided to rebel and roll around on my back!!!!!!!
Ann says - whoever says having two dogs is just as easy as having one is lying??!!!

PS - If anyone has actually managed to read to the end of this mammoth BLIP - well done. Thanks for visiting. xx


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