
By scribbler


African wood letter-opener, collaged card from Africa.
SOOC, cropped.

Festo Kivengere was a bishop in the Anglican Church in Uganda.
He was persecuted under Idi Amin and forced to flee his country.
In exile he wandered from city to city in America, the U.K., and elsewhere
lobbying for support to help free his people from their tyrant leader.

Bishop Festo came to the church I attended and held an altar call.
He laid hands on me and prayed for me.
It was the first time I publicly admitted my faith.
Five months later I was baptized.

This beautiful carved wood letter opener was one of the souvenirs being sold
to raise money for Bishop Festo's Ugandan causes.

The hand-made card is a recent gift from a Ugandan friend.

Since I was baptized on my birthday, the letter opener and card
connect the past to the present and the present to the past.

FROM THE PAST: DDW July challenge by Anniemay

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