Pink Twinkles

By Pinktwinkles

Next Sale

This photo sums up how the Next Sale makes me feel. Dizzy and bleary eyed! So why was I there? Well that's a good question! I feel this strange pull to this shop. And I love a bargain. However when I get there (I do this EVERY time and swear I'll not go again!) I hate it. People barging about and clothes all over the floor. And it's so pointless, I hardly buy anything.

Today, for the first time I've realised WHY and I wish the penny had dropped before. I buy a lot of clothes for the kids from next. So when it comes to sale time, anything I liked I had bought. Anything I hadn't bought, I obviously didn't like that much. Why would I like it more just because it's in the sale. That'd be buying it for the sake of buying it....which is what I suspect most people do. And so I left having spent only £16. 2 of which were items I tried to order before but they'd run out and 1 was a double in a bigger size for this year!

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