It arrived...

While I was ill last night... But, from the moment I got up today I have been testing, tweaking and enjoying my new camera. At first I had a little trouble, but that was just due to the factory settings and my failing memory... "What did I set that at before?" "How did I come up with that?" "Where do you tweak that again?" Fortunately, the D600 is set up similarly to my D7000 (many of the same buttons in similar areas on the camera). But a few things are different and just enough to trip me up. But, then again, the manual is half the fun of a new item. :)) (This is where my geeky side starts to show.)

I was very happy with the results as the day went on and I think I have everything set-up the way I want. Now I just have to get used to little nuances in image taking and exposures. It sure is fun to skip that noise reduction setting in Lightroom...

Here are 3 more favorite shots from today's experiment. And, of course, this little chickadee looks extra nice in large. (If you look closely in large, you can see a tiny SP in her eye.) ;)

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