Sleepless in...Salisbury? Subway #1

Unable to sleep, (and not in Seattle) decided that as I hadn't done a night-time long exposure for a while, so slipped out into the night...

The sky was quite clear and that was going to be my subject, but when passing through this subway, on my way to a possible location, found intrigue in this great red elongated daub of graffiti.

Dusting off the old full-frame D700 and attaching the Sigma f2.8 14mm super-wide (wider than the 10mm of my DX 10-24mm), which is fully corrected and NOT a fisheye, I angled the tripod so that the camera was about six inches away from the wall.

At f20 and focussing on 0.5 metre, all of the pic is roughly in focus. I had to over-expose from the meter reading by 1.5 stops too.

This is a sort of an SP - I took half a dozen, with myself walking at different speeds and in different parts of the picture. I'd set the timer delay on 20 secs, giving me time to get into position. This was the only one that worked. If you can't see me, I am that enormous blur on the left...!

Possibly part of a series...? I did something similar, with the same camera/lens last year.

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