Steph's window on life...

By SJordan

Games with the Girlies.

I had to get up super early to take my brother and mother to work. Came back home and went back to bed for a bit. When I got up, I got stuck right into my dissertation, I'm nearing the 2,000 word mark, so I'm pretty happy with my progress. Just can't wait to get it out of the way, the first chapter at least... Before I knew it, it was 1.37. I was meant to be at Adele's in 23 minutes. I was still in my pyjamas and hadn't had a shower, that wasn't happening... Give her ring and told her I was running late. Got to hers around 2.30, played with Baby D and the Girls, Monopoly and Moshi Monsters Memory were on the agenda today. It was a lot fun, I really enjoyed it. :) Sadly at 5, it was off to work we had to go... Out with the uni ones tonight. Don't really wanna go out in this weather. :(


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