A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

Super son-

- not quite flying but almost!

Messed up my foot yesterday by wearing shoes instead of sandals in Leeds because of the forecast of rain. Having skinned my heel I found I couldn't manage to wear my walking boots comfortably so that was that, No walk and no walk blip either.

Shortly after telling my neighbour I wasn't walking the sky gave me my first blip opportunity, I thought it looked great around 8.00am so that was that sorted as I rarely take sky shots. Did a bit of gardening and there were lots of butterflies again but I decided to concentrate on bees - another possibility.

Son Alex, who is home from Scotland and currently house and cat sitting for a friend in the village who is on his honeymoon, came down to help his dad with a few outdoor jobs. It was so hot by now I had taken to the steamer chair in the shade when suddenly this was happening in front of me. Even he suggested it could be my blip for today. He was fixing some new panels to the far side of the green house. Earlier he had re glazed a new opener in the roof and sliced a bit out out of his thumb. You can see the plaster on it if you look in large!

Thankfully no more accidents and jobs well done.

It is sooo hot, even in the shade! Phew!

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