Bumper Cars & Firestations...

After the crazy angle of yesterday, that many of you liked (thanks too for helping it get up into the Spotlight) I returned to the Fair again today, for this even crazier angle!!

I just tilted and tilted, til I could not tilt no more... The fire station is one that's been in many a Blip of mine, often at night.

I liked the way the corner angle of the bumper car stand fitted into the top left of the frame. I even waited for the white van to 'climb' into its position on the right...and counter to common practice, I added 'reverse-vignette', pumping more light into the corners. Plus much shadow detail revealed in the bumper-car area, which was completely clogged up.

Yes, the colours are psychedelic, fluorescent and mad, like the maddest candy-store, but there again, that is why the makers of these rides make them so, to draw the eye in, especially the younger eye, the child, that child that is in us all... Have a look closer in LARGE - you can just make out the Cathedral Spire over the roof.

Lens = Nikkor 10-24mm (yawn!)

Here is a link to another Fairground Blip from last year.

So, Friday is here, have a great evening and a peaceful and relaxing weekend!

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