Day 3 Berwick to Melrose

Today we headed inland and away from the coast. I shall miss the sea. However the countryside made up for it. The terrain was rolling and for every hard climb there was a rewarding woosh down hill. I have been renamed - Orange Tractor Girl on account of being so slow up the hills!

Today we crossed the border into Scotland - yippeeee! I couldn't resist having my picture taken just to prove it.

We stopped and had lunch in Kelso which was very pretty, however the whole town was cobbled which was a nightmare to cycle on.

I had been waiting to wear my coordinating cycle top, however it attracted the bugs and drove me mad. Much to Fu's dismay I changed tops on the roadside!

Arrived in Melrose knackered and happy and a little later than we had hoped so with a persistent drizzle we headed to the local pub for dinner.

The Route: Berwick Upon Tweed - Kelso - Melrose

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