
By bananablip

journal / challenge / change

lately i've been thinking a lot.
sometimes i want to share this stuff publicly. not because i think i have anything worth sharing, but because if it's public, it's harder for me to go back on my decisions. i don't have an online journal or blog, so i'm going to use blip as my ranty space.

so, the thing is: i am unashamedly, unreservedly a follower of jesus.
however, i sometimes feel totally ashamed of the church. it bothers me that the church is mostly known for it's hypocracy, homophobia and general unhappiness. but at the same time, i'm aware of the fact that is how we present ourself. it really bothers me.

i realise that i cannot change the church, or people's perception of the church. but i can change me.

i guess i want to follow jesus radically, like some of the nutty saints that have gone before: st francis, mother theresa and keith green to name a few (although i doubt they would have 'blogged' about it, they'd have probably just got on and done it!)
i want to be known as somebody who loves. loves my neighbour; loves my enemies; loves the poor and the needy and the hurting; loves the earth and God's beautiful creation.

so, i'm setting myself some challenges. the first is to flippin well deal with the hideous consumer in me! i. have. enough. stuff!

august challenge:
i am not going to buy anything new. anything i need will either be borrowed, made or bought second hand. i can buy food, but with a greater sensitivity to where it has come from. i will be making great use of the library, hence the above image.

i realise that this might all make be sound like a self righteous idiot. if it does, forgive me. the aim is righteousness without the self bit.

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