Sit, Stay, Fetch!

We had Suzy91 and her boyfriend Oly over for the day. It was so nice to catch up with them. We haven't see them since the London marathon back in April. We now have plans to see them again in September and we are going to spend a few days in London at the end of the year together.

They brought their dog Jasper to see Maisie and Oscar. They were all very good together and got on really well. Here you can see them behaving beautifully for a piece of chicken each. We made them sit, then stay, then fetch. Maisie was drawling and wouldn't take her eye off her one was going to have that!

Started the day with my lake swim. Felt quite tired but did ok. Came back home and quickly went into town. We needed a new toilet seat among other things. We have an outside toilet and the seat had fallen off. I needed it sorted before our party next week. I sorted the seat out and thankfully it's still intact tonight....and yes it has been used!

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