
By 2ndSpringChick

Meet .... Flo

I have finally succumbed to family pressure and today we brought home a wee 8 week old Lakeland Terrier puppy. This dog shopping experience couldn't have been more different than mine and D's first haphazard one. We were pretty skint at that time, 15 years ago, and decided upon the cheapest dog in the Exchange and Mart. That happened to be a farm bred collie from working parents, who constantly asserted her dominance, and in the first 6 months with us, had chewed through a set of car electrics, several leashes, the legs of my much cherished Canadian Cherry dining table and most of the chairs, ripped the wallpaper off the walls in the sitting room, and polished off an entire table full of canapes that I had spent most of Christmas morning preparing. And that was after 3 hours of walking every day. Molly eventually became a reasonably well behaved and much loved part of our family, so much so, that the children still regularly mourn her loss, some 18 months after her death. However, I gained a few grey hairs in her early years.

So the key to this latest dog purchase was research, research, and more research. We think we've got the perfect puppy for our family, and are rather pleased with Flo. And I think she might just mend two little broken hearts.

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