Double Shot Mummy


Sisterly love

I flew back in today from Auckland. Mei Ling and Tony were so hospitable and dropped Maple and I at the airport. The plane was very delayed. We finally landed in Tauranga and OMG how cute my two blonde, curly-haired twins looked waving at me from the airport. We were all so excited to reunite and Oscar was kissing Maple continuously on the head in the sling. They seemed so happy.

Maple loved the plane ride. She enjoyed looking out the window and sticking her finger again and again in the air-con vent. There were only about 12 seats on the plane and it only took 25 minutes to get there!

Bailee and Oscar now associate running around on the grass with stripping off. Bailee announced she was a "Hot sausage". She was running around with her hands plastered to her sides.... hilarious.

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