
By ZE1Christie

Adam Christie Exhibition

A lovely warm day down in Montrose and sunny.  Really should have packed suncream!
Off the boat early and headed straight to Montrose.  I've only ever passed through the town and this time it was great to see it and the people were really friendly. First stop at Christie Lane for some pics and then to the museum to see my great grand uncle Adam Christie's exhibition. Mainly stone carved heads but also some wood carvings, paintings and poetry. Met in with the curator, the wife of the author who wrote a book on him, locals and a local councillor who made me get my photo taken for the local paper :)
After visiting the museum, I headed up to the hospital where he stayed for 50 years!   The hospital is now closed but I sneaked in through a gap in the fence and walked around the building.  A spooky feel around the grounds but took plenty of pictures of the Victorian building that was impressive.  We always heard stories about Adam and now great to finally see it. He was admitted when he was 32, I'm 32 and glad to be away from the hospital and back to Aberdeen!
This is a couple of his stone carvings and the portrait on the left is Adam Christie in his later years in Montrose.  Please go see the exhibition if you're visiting Montrose :)

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