
By Marlytyz

Tea in the Atrium - Another day with my 50mm lens.

Only needed for morning at work today. Bit irked as round trip from Cardiff to Brighton is ever so slightly exhausting. Anyway, it was a satisfactory morning so worthwhile. Caught up with friends, then decided that today's the day when I make the decision not to eat any more sweets, cakes or biscuits. Tried on a few dresses that made me look huge. I know it was the cut of the dresses, ha ha but even so. I am going to report, honestly, on whether I manage to stick to this.

Have really enjoyed using my fixed lens. Makes me realise that there are so many options with this and you don't really need to constantly zoom in and out. The pic is of our Clarice Cliff teaser

Finally, got a replacement for my tripod. Interestingly the Cardiff camera shop wanted £20 for what is after all a tiny bit of plastic but in my Brighton camera shop I got the same thing for £12. It seems that someone is trying to make more money than is necessary.

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