Poor shot, personal significance...

So this (no great shot but one for the personal record) is a shot of our patio at night when the air is still, the neighbours have gone to bed and Dd is lying abed one floor up speaking, drowsily, through the open shutters.

It is the time and place that made me feel very content after we first moved into our house here in Barcelona 15 years ago, following several years of renting after we came to Spain. And tonight, it is a rediscovery of that sense of contentment and achievement...a sense of peace with the way things are and where we are. We hardly get a chance to contemplate these things with all our to-ings and fro-ings.

So, let us make the most of what we have while we can.

Ah, well, until tomorrow....as HarryJ would say.

And as I write the heavens growl with the threat of a downpour!

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