Thank You From Casper

I know I'm puppy mental but I swear he knew he was special yesterday, he was bouncing all over the place and just seemed so happy.

Thank You for all the C Love yesterday - especially from MaggieD and Rona who went the extra mile as always :)

Worked from home today as we had landscape people here who have taken up all our crappy turf and are relaying lovely stuff for the dogs to kill by running through it and peeing all over it. Also had a baby bouncer thing delivered that promises the world :)

I had to pop Simon to the hospital - we thought for a tennis elbow injection, but that's Saturday. Today was for a cyst on the back of his neck. We waited half an hour after our appointment and then he was in and out in 45 seconds and given an appointment for OCTOBER!!!! We thought they'd do it today but the man just looked at it and said yes it needs to come we didn't know that!

I had a luxurious hour long bath last night and intend to do the same tonight :)

Easily Pleased Dot Com!

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