Crazy Overstuffed Life

By Allison

Broken Wing

Well, it is a milestone in the life of a kid and of a parent, though not one of the fun ones. First broken bone.

Little C had a mishap at soccer camp today and has a broken left arm. Most disappointing for him is that this means no swimming for the rest of the summer. For mommy and daddy, it also means a bit of scrambling as it looks like he won't be able to go to the multi-sports camp he is signed up for next week either.

As you can probably see, though, he is a real trooper. Still hamming it up, giggling and not in too much pain now that it has been set and cast (in a very cool, Batman-esque black Fiberglas cast. As usual, he charmed all of the nurses and orderlies and doctors in the emergency room. And as usual, his big sister was a very big help and very responsible and mature.

Super, super grateful to their Nana Sue, my aunt, who waited with them in the ER until my train could get me in from Toronto and then stayed and took R for some lunch while we were waiting for the cast to be put on.

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