
By Angelique


Well what a busy day we've had. Drove down to Sidmouth, about 60 miles from here and located two books for Matthew to keep him happy. Enjoyed a nice pub lunch with Phoebe behaving well under the table.

Had some Retail Therapy in my favourit shop which happens to be called RETAIL THERAPY, in their super sale. Drove back as quickly as possible and realised we were being followed by Redflash and Mr F. Unfortunately they got lost somehow but after they meandered through a few lanes, they finally found us.

The blip is a little unusual in as much as we are toasting another fellow blipper, Mr Schorschi from Bavaria. We are drinking his good health with Pimms, carefully mixed by Mr A of course. (usual recipe = Pimms, Ginger Ale and lemonade + fruit)

Although you weren't with us in person, you were there at the table "in spirit". Also in the photo is Phoebe joining in and of course Matthew with his head in a book.

We all enjoyed a very quick bbq, a bit rushed, thanks to pressure from Mr A who always manages to cook the food before all the salads have been prepared.

Redlfash bought a very sensible prezzie of a wasp trapper and as you can imagine saying goodbye was very emotional. It has been three months since our last meeting and with 120 miles between us, it will be a while again until we have another get together.

In this life we all lead rushing about involved with jobs/family etc. it is very easy to miss out on the important things until it's too late!!

So on that sombre note - sleep well, keep happy and healthy and thankyou for visiting my little world.

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