NOT at the beach bar

It's Saturday night and we didn't go to the 'Beach Bar'.

I've been at my dog sitters and Ann's had such a busy, busy day. She worked from 9 - 6.30pm at 'Star Linen Hire'. It was so, so busy. She has been tootling around in the little STAR car all day.

The boys came back to ours for a couple of drinks and then I got left 'home alone' while Ann went off to see 'BLOOZE'. - the greatest band in the SW??!!

However, she was so tired she came home early!!!

I'm going to be spending a lot of time with my very lovely dog sitters over the next few days because Ann has said she will work four 12 hour shifts!!!!

She must be mad!!!

Sunny summer days should be for drinking wine on our sunny sun terrace.

Don't imagine our BLIPS will be that interesting over the next few days so you'll just have to bear with us blippers!!!

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