Today mom went to the store and got Buddy Boy and I (Libby Girl) this new "Playground-N-Lounge. It says it's a Scratch and Play Fun All Rolled Into One. Mom said Buddy Boy ( who as you may remember refused to let his nail be trimmed). I on the other had do get my nails trimmed (I actually have an appt. Monday to get another Pawicure (is there such a word?). Anyway Buddy Boy hasn't been even trying to use the old scratching post. It's pretty worn out by now actually. Anyway that's what brought about this new Hi-Rise Penthouse Pedestal Scratching post. Now if you see the blue ball between my front legs, that is especially for Buddy Boy (I actually think mom is starting to spoil him). Well, it's called "Slim Cat." The reason for this is...............Buddy Boy is a fast eater, did I say fast? He eats so fast that his is all gone and then he comes and tries to help me eat mine. I don't need help. I am a girl and I don't just speed eat my food. Well here's what mom does with the ball. She fills it with cat food. It has 2-3 holes in it. She can set it for 2 holes so he gets less food slower or 3 and he gets more food faster. I heard mom say where's the one hole setting. Guess there isn't one. She did an evening test run with it when she brought it home. It took Buddy Boy all of ten seconds to figure out how it works. He's still fast but this seems to slow him down a bit. I sure hope so. Maybe now I can eat in peace. Anyway I just wanted to show you what we got today. Hope everyone has a good weekend.
Libby Girl

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