There's more to this than meets the eye.

Back to the HS10 for Sun photos. Until I get a longer lens for the Pentax I will continue to use the Fuji for the Sun and Moon. The title makes reference to the fact that although the Sun is 'quiet' at the moment a magnetic filament erupted on the 8th and sent a cloud of charged particles our way. It should interact with the Earth tonight but we in lower latitudes are unlikely to see much, if anything. Currently a coronal hole in the Sun's atmosphere is pouring out solar wind which will reach us on or about the 15th, again only high latitudes are likely to notice any interaction.
In addition I've just been looking at the work of one of my flickr contacts who takes solar photos with a specially filtered telescope, you can see a seething mass of prominences, filaments and granulation that is truly awe-inspiring! Check out Alexandra's Astronomy to see what I mean.

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