Life's a breeze - for a Gannet!

Today I've been on the east coast at RSPB Bempton Cliffs - a very different type of habitat to my usual haunt at Minsmere!

As you can see, the sun was shining (on the whole) but by 'eck it was windy. This is not a problem for these beautiful creatures. 68% of the world's population of Northern Gannets breed around the coasts of Great Britain and Ireland. The sea cliffs at Bempton are home to the only mainland colony in England.

If you look closely at the picture you can see that there are still plenty of chicks around. Most are well advanced in their plumage but some are still completely white and fluffy. Not the most beautiful of offspring.

Bempton is home to a variety of seabirds, including Puffins. By August the Puffins have already left and headed back out to sea but we were lucky today to catch a glimpse, though very distant, of 3. Quite pleased about that.

Around 10% of the UK population of Kittiwakes breed at Bempton. I think they are my favourite gull, so pretty and delicate. They were definitely in evidence today with their distinctive call echoing around the cliffs.

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