
By Grapefruits

99 butterfly cakes

Finally we have had a BBQ, family round for sunday tea in the garden and just as we cleared up fat rain started to fall lots and lots of meat and more meat eaten.

But the stars of the show were Mrs Grapefuits 99 butterfly cakes.

After making them she did a Jim Bowen "Lets look at what you could have won" special in that I couldn't try one before the family had come round claiming I wouldn't stop at just one Ohh she knows me so well haha.
Oh dear how sad was my shout when she realised she couldn't fit them all under the cake dome so just to help I had to eat one at lunch and they tasted even better than they looked.
The 99 cakes are butterfly cake mixture placed in ice cream cones and cooked - no the cones dont burn! we weren't sure they wouldn't either - butter cream on the top and a 99 flake on top as well yum yum yum.
Oh dear we still have some 99 flakes left in the box in the drawer but some how I cant see them lasting much past monday

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