The Glorious Twelfth

I started early this morning so I was ready for some food by about 1100am. I parked on the car park at Rigg Lane below Clougha Pike and after a quick sandwich I took a short walk into the woods to see if there were any mushrooms about.

I was going to blip this one, I think it is one of the Aminita's, this one is apparently edible although the group contains some of the most poisonous mushrooms!

Then I found this little group of cup fungi and this Lactarius doing what they do, leaking a milky liquid when damaged.

Then I found this Mortar tail fin, some of you might remember the UXO that I found last year

I had completely forgotton that it was the Glorious Twelfth, Clougha Pike is on the Grouse Moor owned by the Duke of Westminster, however I didn't hear any shooting and it wasn't until I returned to the car and left the car park that I saw the sign!

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