
By atseacliff


Managed to get two bits of work finished yesterday so I set out with the goal of producing a shot which could be the final picture for my L panel for the Royal Photographic Society assessment in Bath in October. I have 9 other shots which I'm happy with and decided to add oneof a clove of garlic.

My initial attempts this morning were okay but I kept getting burnt out highlights on one of the cloves - matters got worse as the morning went on and even with a reflector I wasn't satisfied with the results - I decided what I needed was a light box. A couple of hours later having cut up a cardboard box, added tissue paper to the sides and a sheet of white paper I had a light box costing the princely sum of around £3.

The results were much better - I think the contrast to the left of the photo could be a little more defined and the garlic is looking rather battered after all the posing. I may have another go tomorrow however any comments welcome on this one.

One other issue - a white background showed up the need for me to clean the sensor so I'll need to research this in the next few days.

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