Pump Demonstration

Steve is seen here demonstrating the use of our new pressure pump, which will pump water 10 metres above the ground, to our 4 interns from the College of Natural Resources in Lilongwe. They have been doing their practical work with us on the farm for the past six weeks. They are all students of Horticulture and all from Lilongwe city. They were an excellent group, who worked very hard and achieved the thanks and respect of all. I feel that they got the grand tour of the projects today.

Casca and Alipher were on the go again today at an adult education group.
Their report is as follows

Date: 13th August 2013.
Name of Project: Chiputula Adult Literacy Education.
Where do the meet: In Chiputula area.
Who was there: Mr Luka Phiri
Casca Simwawa.
Attendance: They were 11 women.
Wells for Zoe: Casca Simwawa.
Contact Number: Mr Luka Phiri on 0999322829.
Assessment: They did not have Mat in Class.
Some women are coming late to school
They did not have flip chat to show pictures
They don't come in good numbers.
Women are asking about Women Farming Project.
They want to Start it.
They want to be selling vegetables and using the money should use to pay a teacher ( Mr Luka Phiri.
I told them to find Dimba.
And we will see what we can do to help with seeds and training.
History: This school started in 2009.
Some Women have written Exams in 2010.
For now the are 45 women.
They have one teacher( Mr Luka Phiri).
What Support: we have supported them with Exercise Books, Pens, 4 Mats and Chalk.
Progress: They are doing amazing work

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