. . . A return train ticket to newest seaside resort in 1910 my good man . . . I am afraid, sir, that is not possible . . .

Opened in 1885, Peak Station was the gateway to a strange NE coastal resort. Referred to as The Town That Never Was, it now boasts only a few isolated buildings, a National Trust Information Centre and a huge road layout.

Ravenscar was going to be a huge resort. Visitors were encouraged to buy plots of building land. As a reward their return train fare was paid by the landowners. Sadly the idea was doomed, as the poor weather on this part of the coast kept the visitors away.

This totem platform sign can be found on the site of the old station, renamed Ravenscar, which finally closed in 1965. To find out more about the site try this link.

Totem station signs were brought in by the newly nationalized British Railways in 1948. The plan was to use the totem as the BR logo on all equipment and to give every station sign a regional colour. For the North East Railway the totem sign was a shade of orange.

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