Yellow Lily, Twisted Dragon

A visit to the Arboretum's lily pond after my work day was done gave me a chance to observe some of the dragonflies and other fancy bugs that like to hang out in the afternoons, but not in the early mornings when I tend to make most of my visits there.

On this particular day, I enjoyed the company of two rather huge dragonflies that never paid me the favor of stopping or sitting down so I could get any photos of them. And a few medium-sized and a few tiny dragonflies that were quite a bit more obliging . . .

This particular little dude (or dudette?) seemed very friendly, and when I saw its twisted wing, I realized I'd seen it there before, on a prior visit. It zipped about quite speedily and expeditiously, and the twist in its wing didn't seem to bother it at all!

The song for the day, in honor of the dragon's slightly twisted wing (which in my opinion only serves to give it more character), is The Cars, with Magic (lyrics: "so twisted...under sideways down/ I know you're getting twisted/ And you can't calm down . . . ").

P.S. If you visited my journal yesterday and made a guess as to How Many Bees were enjoying those bright yellow flowers against a stunningly blue sky, the answer I have come up with is . . . 12. I've posted more details at the bottom of yesterday's blip . . .

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