clarity =

By joshw


I drive to Denton four days a week. 38 miles one way. 304 +/- miles a week. 45-50 minutes in the morning, 50 minutes to one hour, depending on traffic and what time I leave. I've made it to work in 39 minutes before, and I've gotten home in 45.

It's not a hard drive. Straight up 35W, the only traffic is between 820 and Roanoke, and then just the half dozen lights once I get to Denton. The traffics mood is boring. Everyone who drives 35W knows its like this and they are tired of it, but they accept it. Crazy drivers are on it's sister traffic jam interstate highway, number 35E, over in Dallas.

But then on Wednesdays, none of this matters. See, I'm a web designer. I work on the Internet. Where a Internet connection is, I can work. So on hump day, I work from home. Specifically, I go to my favorite coffee shop owned by some friends of mine, called Avoca, and I work in the morning. Then, I head home for lunch and work the rest of the afternoon from there. The bonus? I ride my bike.

Wednesdays have become my car-free day. I ride to Avoca, I ride home, and I ride to any other thing I need to get to that day. Today, my little family rode too Fuzzy's (mediocre) Taco Shop and had dinner. I pulled the kids in the trailer, and my wife rode her bike.

If that doesn't cure ya of "hump day" I don't know what would.

Bonus on top of bonus today; it rained. Glorious needed rain.

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