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Isla Neuk Stop Line

Dating from 1940 this defensive pillbox formed part of the Morayshire defences intended to slow any German invasion via Norway and allow time to assemble flying columns to block the enemy before they could move inland. These "Stop Lines" which the defensive lines were officially known as, were designed to gain some valuable time before being inevitably over run by the invader.
This pillbox overlooks a crucial road junction where the Keith to Dufftown railway and the River Isla intersect.
The Pythons did a Pillbox sketch in which the military potential of the Nazi killer joke was explored. A solitary soldier was locked inside a pillbox then told a killer joke after which he laughed so much that the defensive structure was easily overwhelmed.

A young soldier responds: HOW DOES HE SMELL?
Young soldier laughs uncontrollably and is overwhelmed.

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