Following the plough...

The Oilseed rape in the field next to my cottage was harvested on Tuesday.
Yesterday the dog found and retrieved her toy giraffe from the stubble. She was so excited, she had to 'kill' it at least 6 times - it was lost in the rape before it came into flower - about 3 months ago.

Today the field was ploughed - or more accurately 'pressed'. Within a few minutes of the tractor arriving in the field, the gulls started arriving, landing on the freshly turned soil to find some little delicacies.

By the time the tractor had finished, the whole field was covered with gulls (but it was raining so the shots I took were rubbish) One would take off and the whole flock would follow.

Within an hour all the birds had gone.
My questions are as follows:

1. Do gulls commute from the coast inland on a daily basis?
2. Which gull decides to take off first?
3. Why do all the others follow?
4. Who decides its time to go?

Answers on a PC please (See what i did there?)

Tomorrow, I have another dating tale to share. His name is Chris, wouldn't it be cool if his surname was Gull ?

(C.Gull - if you're a bit tired!!)

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