
By monochrome

Getting Things Done

Off work again today in an attempt to get some stuff done in the house. The plan was to clear out the study so as to turn it in to the baby's room, however I dragged my heels a little (the study is my room, and more importantly, it's where the computer lives!), so I didn't get as much done as I'd have liked. In saying that, I did get the big cupboard cleared out, relocated the bookshelf to its new home in the spare room, and tidied up the loft a little (in order to put more stuff up there), so the day isn't a total loss.

We've got our 2nd NCT antenatal class later on, so no tidying tonight, however off again tomorrow so I should hopefully get the rest of the stuff cleared out of the study and make a start on stripping the wallpaper. Hopefully.

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