Keep pulling!!!

This river work horse managed to turn the ship 180 degrees prior to docking at Tilbury today. The ship needed to be pointing in the right direction to sail out of the Thames on its way to Bergen this afternoon.

Early rise for us as we had to be up, washed, dressed and out of our cabin by 7am!! Then the long wait in the public areas until 10am, before we disembarked.

Whilst we were having breakfast I realised that the ship was “doing a twirl” courtesy of a tug. A gift of a blip opportunity!!

An Australian lady sat at our table was curious as to the reason for my “odd” behaviour, so I explained about Blip. She took details and thought it is a great idea!! We may have a new recruit!!

An uneventful drive home, cases unloaded, trip to do the food shopping and then back home to unpack the cases and start the washing. It’s great to be home again and a bonus to have the opportunity to see some of the Athletics from Moscow and cheer for Mo!!!!

I have taken about 1,500 pictures whilst away, so will start the back blipping process tomorrow:0)

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