
By Ellaphant

Playhouse for a Princess

This was Princess Wilhelmina's (Victorian) playhouse, given to her by her mother, Regent Queen Emma, when the princess turned 12 in 1892. It is situated at Paleis Soestdijk ('Soostdike'), or Soestdijk Palace, in the village of Soest, municipality of Baarn in the province of Utrecht. Spent the latter part of the afternoon there. Have been thinking of ways to make use of the tail-end of the summer, just before the 'real' rains start. Besides, formal classes will begin in the last week of August, at which point I can just about forget gadding about the way I now do.

Technically, it could rain, and rain hard, as in downpour, anytime here in The Neth. The fact that we've had so much sun is a pleasant surprise, but, nevertheless, we know it won't hurt to keep both feet on the ground with regards to the weather.

The idea of visiting Soestdijk came from the fact that Prince Friso was buried yesterday in Lage Vuursche, which is very close to Soestdijk, but also from the fact that a very good ex-colleague of mine lives in Baarn, also around the corner from the palace, and we'd just had a longish chat over the phone yesterday during which we agreed to meet at her place sometime end September. B retired 2 years ago, yet we've managed to stay in touch. That is definitely something to be thankful for -- friends outside of Facebook.

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