
Today was pretty cool. Breakfast in the Oakwood Diner in Dalton, Georgia. After a little faffage went to Praters Mill in Georgia. Met a great guy who gave the guided tour for free as part of his trial run before the tourists descend on him next weekend. Learned loads like how a mill works especially when it is a water based mill with no wheel. Saw the fire damage and went in my first cotton gin and learned how this worked.

Visited the Tennessee aquarium= great stuff. loved the jellyfish, stingrays and macaws. Chattanooga is fab and more laid back than Stroud. I could live there.I apologise for all the typos and spelling issues....partly due to not using my laptop. This afternoon saw 140 mile drive to Nashville. Hotel is cool and near the printers district which is ok. Nashville is small and lovely. The bars all feature live music (saw at least 70 live bands and singers tonight 70 is not a typo!) and very very very busy staff. Fireworks this evening. Hope it is quieter tomorrow. lots of the women here wear cowboy boots...even the fashionable young women wearing trendy short dresses and skirts....a cultural fashion shift. This evening a bird said hello to me in only the way a bird can!!!! I also had my first Marlylin Monroe moment only i wasn't wearing a white dress and my flying up skirt was not too graceful......

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