Merrick's First Movie

My grandson Merrick is going to be 3 years old on October 26th. We were wondering if he would sit still for a 90 minute movie.

Since he really likes the Cars movie...we took him to see Planes...which is made by the Cars people.

On the way to the theatre, we took side bets about how long we thought he could sit still. His dad and I agreed on 30 minutes...grandma bet on the whole thing...and his mom wouldn't play.

He lasted for an hour...switching laps between the 4 of us. It helped that the main character kept saying..."Oh yeah!" of Merrick's favorite expressions. (I taught him that.)

His dad took him out for 5 minutes...they played the "crane game" to scoop up some candy...and then he lasted until the end of the movie. It was great to see him clapping at the end, and we were all proud of the little man.

I was going to end with a story about the first movie I can remember seeing...but you just know that I would have made everything up. We were more of a drive-in movie family. Always fun.

One good cheap movie trick for you. The place we go to has free popcorn refills, and free pop refills. I just go into the theatre...reach into the trash container...pick up a popcorn tub, and a big empty paper drink cup...and go back out into the lobby and refill them...hoping the people that used them before me didn't have cooties.

Next time...I'm going to get there early with a pair of knee pads, and comb the floor for any candy that was dropped from the previous show.

We did buy our own popcorn and pop. $9.25. HIGHWAY ROBBERY!! Maybe my movie snack idea is not so far-fetched after all.

P.S. The movie was cute.

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