Letters to a soldier

By Jessie0908

Abbey gardens

This is a photo of the abbey gardens in bury st Edmunds. It's where I take the people I care for whenever it's sunny. A beautiful place :-)

Tonight Dan and I announced we are having a baby over Facebook which has meant my
Phone has been going crazy all evening!!

We had to announce it when someone I'd never met came up to me today and congratulated me!! I soon found out my drunk brother had announced it to a nightclub full of people on Saturday and my Aunty who has Down's syndrome has been telling everyone she meets. This meant the secret was out and because I wanted people to hear it from me I thought I'd better publicly announce it!!

Just my bosses at work to tell tomorrow now. Nervous about this bit!! Hopefully they won't have heard it from anyone else first!

Anyway bedtime for me. Very tired at the moment!

Night all ❤

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