
By nljf

Abandoned Chair in Red Zone

Today, I finally got out of bed and decided to be productive.
So I started on my freshwater essay which is based on our tap water, how it gets to us and our consumption of it.
The I watched a movie called I AM. Directed and written by the same director of Ace Ventura and Bruce Almighty.
It was about mental illness, but not the sort you'd think. It raised the point of what is wrong with the world? And the answer is I AM.
Thoroughly recommend it.

Then went into the red zone along the Avon River for my geography paper essay. Based on how Christchurch shows urban resilience. Had to map and walk 500m along the river simply describing what we saw.
Thought this picture wrapped it up quite nicely. The skeletons of what used to peoples lives, and are now nothing but empty sections and home stripped of everything.

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